Your Panties Could Be Ruining Your Feminine Wellness!
Straight from the Doctor.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been FDA approved and are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements are the professional opinion of Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a Board Certified OB-GYN and are not intended to create any patient/doctor relationship.
A Panty a Day, Keeps the Gyno Away!
Why Gynecologists are Begging you to Wear Cotton!
"It is recommended to wear only cotton underwear on a daily basis as it allows the skin to breathe. It also helps to absorb the moisture, sweat, or discharge better than any fabric"
- Dr. Deepa Dewan
"If you wear underwear that doesn't allow air to flow, such as those made from synthetic fabrics- yeast and other bacteria can overgrow because they thrive in dark, moist areas"
- Dr. Diana Hoppe
"Synthetic materials like lycra and nylon can be confining and non-breathable and can lead to irritation, rashes and infection, especially if you're already prone to those things."
- Dr. Alyssa Dweck
"Underwear for everyday use should fit the vagina comfortably and ideally be made of cotton"
- Sherry A. Ross, MD
"The vulva is a very sensitive and delicate area, similar to the lips on your face. You want to treat [it] gently"
- Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones